
Welcome to the official website for the Water’s Edge Community Development District (the “District”). This website is funded on behalf of the District to serve two major purposes. The first is to comply with Chapter 189.069 of the Florida Statutes, which requires each special District to maintain an official website. The second is an effort to help educate the general public about the services provided by the District, and to highlight the other agencies involved in the day-to-day operations of the community. These agencies include but are not limited to the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity, Manatee County and the Water's Edge Homeowner Association.

Resident Notice:

We have received an increase in complaints from residents concerning vehicles speeding throughout the neighborhood. Please be mindful that the speed limit throughout the community is 25 MPH. Please be a good neighbor and watch your speed.

CDD Zoom Meeting Information:

Zoom Link: us06web.zoom.us/j/95649629788
Meeting ID: 956 496 2978
Passcode: 516708Gms
Zoom Phone #: (646) 876- 9923
*Residents must use the raise the hand feature on Zoom in order to speak during Audience Comments.

New Meeting Location Reminder

The Water’s Edge Community Development District will meet at our new location at the new Fire Station #2 at 3804 Rye Road beginning in September of 2023 at 6:00 p.m. If you are interested in attending in person please park on the north side of the fire station and enter the building from the front. The training room we will be using is on the left.  

Please remember we are guests, and the fire personnel that staffs this 24/7 fire station lives there while on shift. This means eating, sleeping and decompressing from running calls. Participation via Zoom will still be available.

Latest Actions:

At the August 22, 2024 meeting, the Water’s Edge CDD took the following actions:



-Kisela noted next year’s budget includes an increase of 4 to 5% over last year’s budget.  The increase is basically due to the inflationary costs of goods and services in order to maintain the same level of service.  

-Kisela added we were able to accomplish a significant amount of maintenance projects in this year’s budget, including the front entrance landscape and lighting improvements, painting the pool deck,amenity center,guard house and pillars, pressure washing the common areas and posts, and re-mulching the common areas and Rye Road frontage.

-Sluizer will be working with LMP to recommend additional landscape improvements with next year’s budget allocation.

-Kisela noted all items were budgeted realistically except for the reclaimed water expenses.   The County’s rate increase of almost 10%, coupled with its delayed billing for three months, resulted in reclaimed water expenses well above what was budgeted.   Next year’s budget was increased to reflect the higher costs.   LMP has been tasked with monitoring the common area irrigation systems on a weekly basis.   In addition, an email will be sent out to all property owners urging them to do the same.

-Burbank was concerned that the appraised value of our amenity structures were too high and resulted in increased insurance rates.  He volunteered to look into this along with GMS.

-After brief discussion, the budget was approved with a few amended line items.


Annual Meeting Schedule:

-The Board approved the annual meeting schedule for FY 2025.  Meetings will be held the fourth Thursday of the month at 6:00 p.m. at the Parrish Fire Station 2, 3804 North Rye Road, with two exceptions:   the October meeting will be held the third Wednesday (October 16) to accommodate early voting at the Fire Station; and the November meeting will be held the third Thursday (November 21) due to Thanksgiving.   The Board does not meet in December.  The meeting dates were approved pending confirmation from the Fire Chief.


Shade (Closed Door) Session:

-The Board approved scheduling a shade session for the September meeting to discuss the purchase of a new camera security system for the gates and amenity center.   Audience members will be excused from the room during this discussion.


Landscape Report (Ryan Eberly):

-The property looks good overall.  LMP will focus on removing the weeds in certain common areas like the cemetery and lift stations.

-Approved a proposal to replace two broken valve boxes.


Quit Claim Deed (River’s Reach Associates):

-At the last meeting, it was brought to the Developer’s attention that the small plot of greenspace just to the right of the front entrance gate was still listed as River’s Reach Associates (Developer’s LLC for River’s Reach).   This was the result of an oversight, and the Board voted to accept conveyance to the Water’s Edge CDD pending confirmation of the District’s attorney of the documents.


Engineer Report (Charles Reed):

-Reed noted there were certain areas of the asphalt that needed attention, specifically Westover and Thornbury.   He noted there was oxidation and cracking on the surface, and the pavement appears to be shifting on Thornbury.   The paving was done by Neal before turning the neighborhood over in 2018/2019.  Kisela noted all the rain we received from Debby uncovered these defects.  Reed recommended obtaining a geotech report for less than $2,000 to uncover the reason(s) why this is happening.   The Board agreed.

-Kisela asked for a followup on the small depression between the sidewalk and roadway by 1467 Hickory View Circle.  Reed stated as soon as he obtains the as-builts, he will be able to determine what is causing it to sink.  Jessee volunteered to help Reed obtain the as-builts.


Field Manager Report (Mick Sheppard):

-Sheppard noted the Keep Kids Alive 25 signs have been installed.   Everyone agreed they look good and will hopefully remind everyone to keep their speed in check.

-The proposal for the sidewalk piece at the end of the pedestrian trail between Rosedown Glen and Hickory View will be presented at the September meeting.

-The doors at the guardhouse need to be replaced.  After a brief discussion, the Board agreed to install inexpensive window covers to hide the equipment inside.

-Sluizer noted a few of the crossing signs need to be straightened or fixed.   Sheppard stated the ones that need repair will be replaced with new signs.

-Jessee noted the Golf Cart sign by the pedestrian walkway still needs to be installed.  She also noted the Stop sign on Hickory View and River’s Reach Boulevard needs to be straightened.

-Jessee also noted the pedestrian gate locks are still missing.  After a brief discussion, Sheppard suggested replacing them with pull-up bars like the ones at the entrance to the amenity center.


Sitex Aquatics (Mick Sheppard):

-The heavy rains have significantly helped control the algae in the ponds. 


District Manager Report (Jason Greenwood):

-Burbank noted the insurance rates quoted seemed high.   He suggested obtaining quotes from other insurers.  Burbank volunteered to work with Greenwood in obtaining other rates.   

-Haber noted the State Legislature passed a bill requiring all special districts to create goals and objectives and submit them to the State.  Haber noted we already have them in place and just need to file them.   The Board agreed and adopted them. 


Supervisors’ Requests and General Audience Comments:

-Kisela suggested once we obtain cost estimates/proposals for the items discussed during the Visioning Session (dog park, pavilion, basketball court, etc.), we will distribute a survey which will include the special assessment costs for each property owner, payable over one or two years.  It was agreed.

-Kisela stated there are approximately twelve (12) acres along the riverbank that belong to the CDD.   He suggested having the Board and property owners walk the area prior to a meeting so they can get some ideas of what we may want to do (nature trail or something similar) and include those ideas in the survey. 

-Jan Burbank suggested replacing the guardhouse doors with some that don’t have large windows as the current ones.   This way, the window coverings can be small and discreet.

-Jan Burbank suggested sodding over the volleyball court.  Kisela agreed it is an even bigger eyesore due to Debby.  One of the suggestions was to replace it with a pavilion, which will be included in the survey.

-Carole McConnell noted the kayak rack post needs to be repaired.   She  also noted there is a garbage can lid sitting by the kayaks.   In addition, she stated the front entrance lights are not working properly.   Sheppard suggested she send picture(s) so he can investigate further.


Water’s Edge Community Development District Disclosure

Please be advised that the Water’s Edge Community Development District (the “District”), a local unit of special purpose government created under Florida law, has constructed and is responsible for the maintenance of certain improvements, infrastructure and facilities within the District.  The District financed this construction through the sale of tax-exempt bonds, a form of public financing.  As a result, and in accordance with applicable federal and state law, all District owned improvements, infrastructure and facilities are and shall remain open and accessible to the general public.  Should you have any questions on this matter, non-resident user fees applicable to District recreational facilities, or any other general District issue, please feel free to contact the District Manager.