
Welcome to the official website for the Water’s Edge Community Development District (the “District”). This website is funded on behalf of the District to serve two major purposes. The first is to comply with Chapter 189.069 of the Florida Statutes, which requires each special District to maintain an official website. The second is an effort to help educate the general public about the services provided by the District, and to highlight the other agencies involved in the day-to-day operations of the community. These agencies include but are not limited to the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity, Manatee County and the Water's Edge Homeowner Association.

Resident Notice:

We have received an increase in complaints from residents concerning vehicles speeding throughout the neighborhood. Please be mindful that the speed limit throughout the community is 25 MPH. Please be a good neighbor and watch your speed.

CDD Zoom Meeting Information:

Zoom Link: us06web.zoom.us/j/95649629788
Meeting ID: 956 496 2978
Passcode: 516708Gms
Zoom Phone #: (646) 876- 9923
*Residents must use the raise the hand feature on Zoom in order to speak during Audience Comments.

New Meeting Location Reminder

The Water’s Edge Community Development District will meet at our new location at the new Fire Station #2 at 3804 Rye Road beginning in September of 2023 at 6:00 p.m. If you are interested in attending in person please park on the north side of the fire station and enter the building from the front. The training room we will be using is on the left.  

Please remember we are guests, and the fire personnel that staffs this 24/7 fire station lives there while on shift. This means eating, sleeping and decompressing from running calls. Participation via Zoom will still be available.

Latest Actions:

At the May 23, 2024 meeting, the Water’s Edge CDD took the following actions:


Landscape Report (Ryan Eberly):

  • Performed weed control and trimmed the Hibiscus and Juniper by the pool area.
  • Rye Road frontage area is due for a cleaning and trimming of the ferns; this will be scheduled soon.
  • Both Kisela and Sluizer mentioned there are a couple of dead pine trees that should be removed:  one on Rye Road and the other by the turn.  Eberly noted there is one more on River’s Reach Boulevard.
  • Palms by the canoe launch were removed (the ones growing sideways).
  • The tree on Ormond Circle was also trimmed.
  • Eberly stated the walkway by the interior pedestrian bridge will be placed on a regular maintenance schedule.
  • Sluizer suggested reviewing the LMP proposals for other landscape improvements submitted for this fiscal year that were not acted upon.   She would like to revisit them in order to see if we can budget one or more for next fiscal year. The Board agreed, and directed Eberly to resubmit for Board consideration at an upcoming meeting.   
  • Mulch budget was decreased for the Rye Road frontage; Kisela requested the savings be passed on to increasing mulch within the neighborhood.   It was agreed.

Proposals for Gate System Improvements (Moss Integration Solutions):

  • Mr. Moss of MIS presented several proposals for the gate system improvements.   After a brief discussion, Holliday suggested obtaining two additional proposals to be presented at the October meeting so the Board can then have choices to consider.


  • The Board discussed creating a survey to gauge neighborhood support for new amenities, as discussed at the April 25 Vision Workshop.  The survey will include a cost estimate for each amenity, as well as the assessment amount for each property owner if it is built.   Once the survey results are in, the Board can then move forward in considering which one(s) will be constructed and paid via special assessment. Construction and assessment would be scheduled for the 2025/26 fiscal year if the Board approves the new amenity. 
  • Capital Reserves need to be increased to the recommended amount in the Reserves Study.  A savings of  $15,000 from the proposed budget will be transferred to Capital Reserves.
  • Budget $9,000 for gate improvements; $9,000 for light bulbs for lamp posts; $5,000 for additional kayak rack; $4,000 for playground mulch; and approximately $16,000 for the cul-de-sacs and pool area landscape improvements.  This will result in a 5% increased assessment for the regular operation and maintenance budget.

REGULAR MEETING (Continued after Budget Workshop):

Keep Kids Alive Drive 25 Program (Brian Holliday):

  • Holliday noted this is a great campaign to remind the neighborhood to drive the posted speed limit using several tools, including improved signage.  The Board agreed to place this on the June agenda for discussion and consideration.
  • Holliday also requested an additional slab of sidewalk be installed at the end of the pedestrian walkway on Rosedown Glen.   It was agreed.

Field Manager Report (Mick Sheppard):

  • Playground Rules sign has been replaced.   
  • Fencing along River’s Reach Boulevard has been repaired.
  • Conveyance system clearing will be conducted within the next couple of months.  Kisela noted some of the clearing appears to have been started under the interior pedestrian bridge.
  • The electrician completed his assessment of the front entrance lighting.   The timers will be replaced with photocells, and this should eliminate the inconsistency we’ve experienced thus far.
  • The installation of a mirror to see oncoming southbound traffic on Rye Road will not work.   There is not a good place on our property to place it.   The orange barrels were relocated and the landscaping was trimmed, which improved the sight triangle somewhat. We will continue working with County officials to improve it even further.
  • The front entrance monuments and columns are scheduled for pressure washing due to the construction dust and debris.
  • Working with vendors to provide proposals on the dog park, basketball/pickleball courts, so as to provide an accurate estimate of costs for the upcoming survey.  The Board agreed no lights should be installed for the dog park and courts to keep them for daytime use only.
  • The Board discussed the pedestrian gate handles and locks.   After much consideration, it was decided to install handles without the locks.   Several reasons included: residents may forget the combination, the number keys in the locks get stuck due to humidity, etc.  GMS will install them soon.
  • Sluizer would like to see the lamp posts repainted, as they are looking worn.   She requested a proposal(s) to repaint them.

Supervisor Requests and Audience Comments:

  • Jan Burbank agreed with Sluizer that the lamp posts need to be repainted.
  • Ally Erhard noted there are several patches of dead grass in front of the cemetery.  She also noted when the mulch was spread inside the fence on Rye Road, there was a fallen dead tree and they mulched around it.   Now that the tree has been removed, she requested they fill in the bare spots with mulch.  

Water’s Edge Community Development District Disclosure

Please be advised that the Water’s Edge Community Development District (the “District”), a local unit of special purpose government created under Florida law, has constructed and is responsible for the maintenance of certain improvements, infrastructure and facilities within the District.  The District financed this construction through the sale of tax-exempt bonds, a form of public financing.  As a result, and in accordance with applicable federal and state law, all District owned improvements, infrastructure and facilities are and shall remain open and accessible to the general public.  Should you have any questions on this matter, non-resident user fees applicable to District recreational facilities, or any other general District issue, please feel free to contact the District Manager.