
Welcome to the official website for the Water’s Edge Community Development District (the “District”). This website is funded on behalf of the District to serve two major purposes. The first is to comply with Chapter 189.069 of the Florida Statutes, which requires each special District to maintain an official website. The second is an effort to help educate the general public about the services provided by the District, and to highlight the other agencies involved in the day-to-day operations of the community. These agencies include but are not limited to the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity, Manatee County and the Water's Edge Homeowner Association.


We hope everyone is safe and well from hurricane Milton. Our biggest priority firsthand was getting the amenity center open and running for resident use, hazardous trees off of roadways, and making sure the district was operational. Our next steps in this process are assessing damages, repairs, supply ordering, etc. We are working closely with the district vendors on Hurricane cleanup and getting the community back up to standards. We ask for your patience through this process given it’s going to take time to recover and if you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to (813) 344-4844.  

Resident Notice:

The CDD sidewalks and monuments are scheduled to be pressure washed Tuesday, January 28th.

We have received an increase in complaints from residents concerning vehicles speeding throughout the neighborhood. Please be mindful that the speed limit throughout the community is 25 MPH. Please be a good neighbor and watch your speed.

CDD Zoom Meeting Information:

Zoom Link: us06web.zoom.us/j/95649629788
Meeting ID: 956 496 2978
Passcode: 516708Gms
Zoom Phone #: (646) 876- 9923
*Residents must use the raise the hand feature on Zoom in order to speak during Audience Comments.

New Meeting Location Reminder

The Water’s Edge Community Development District will meet at our new location at the new Fire Station #2 at 3804 Rye Road beginning in September of 2023 at 6:00 p.m. If you are interested in attending in person please park on the north side of the fire station and enter the building from the front. The training room we will be using is on the left.  

Please remember we are guests, and the fire personnel that staffs this 24/7 fire station lives there while on shift. This means eating, sleeping and decompressing from running calls. Participation via Zoom will still be available.

Latest Actions:

At the November 13, 2024 meeting, the Water’s Edge CDD took the following actions:

Outstanding Maintenance and Hurricane Cleanup Progress:

  • Burbank noted that the budget has been hit hard with unbudgeted hurricane recovery expenses ($60K).   He suggested creating a new Hurricane Reserves account so that we can begin budgeting a certain amount every year for storm recovery.   In addition, he would like to see our General Reserves account replenished.
  • Jessee wondered if we should have a special workshop to discuss special assessment funding for a hurricane reserve fund, proposed amenity improvements (dog park, basketball court, etc.), and replenishing funds in the existing reserve account.
  • Kisela noted that for every $100 in special assessments, the CDD receives approximately $30,000. 
  • After much discussion, it was decided to schedule a planning session for the February meeting, so the community can attend and provide input.   The agenda will be kept to a minimum so as to devote as much time as possible to this discussion.  
  • Kisela will work with Greenwood to create a spreadsheet showing a proposed budget for hurricane reserves, general reserves, and proposed amenities, to be discussed at the February 27 meeting.

Landscape Report (Ryan Eberly):

  • Eberly noted our community is in good shape overall.   He is still battling weeds in some of the landscape beds and grasses near the ponds.   Holliday noted there needs to be more weed control in the grass near the pond across the playground, as well as the mulched areas.
  • The palms and shrubs in the common areas were pruned/trimmed.
  • Sharon Carroll, property owner on Rosedown Glen, noted the landscaped area by the side of her house has exposed tree roots, weeds, and dirt.  It is very unsightly and she would like to see it improved.  Eberly agreed this area is a challenge because of the slope.   It was agreed to schedule a meeting with LMP, Kisela, and the Carrolls to see what can be done to alleviate this issue.  A recommendation will be presented at the February meeting.  
  • Eberly will also provide cost estimates and renderings of the proposed landscape improvements for the common areas and cul-de-sacs.   Kisela noted we should revamp the landscaping by the amenity center.   He said doing a little here and there will not be noticed as much as one big revamp.   Last year, we tackled the front entrance landscaping, and that made a big difference.   He would like to see us do something similar with the amenity center landscaping this year, and choose another project in other areas every year.  The Board agreed to table the proposals for pool landscaping, cul-de-sac, and playground renovations.   The mulch inside the playground will be replaced this coming week.
  • Eberly will inspect and ensure all repairs have been done to the homeowner sprinkler heads and ruts caused by LMP’s equipment in removing dead tree limbs behind several homes on Hickory View Circle (across the red barn).   
  • The Board approved replacing two broken valve boxes.   The communication module and irrigation controller were tabled to the February meeting.
  • The proposal to re-sod and replant the lift station on Rosedown Glen was approved except for the cabbage palms. 

Attorney Report (Wes Haber):

  • The Board discussed the quit claim deed for the parcel on the right-hand side of the neighborhood entrance.  Kisela will inspect the property for the well(s) that appear on the drawings.   Jessee will reach out to Neal to see if we can obtain satisfaction of mortgage on Nos. 1 and 2.   Burbank will reach out to Farm Credit to see if can obtain the satisfaction of mortgage if Jessee is unsuccessful.
  • Jessee would like to see property owners obtain approval to plant some buffers by the back fence separating Hickory View Circle from the red barn parcel.   She suggested LMP provide a list of acceptable trees and shrubs that property owners themselves can plant and maintain.   Kisela asked if it would make sense to deed the CDD easement strip to the respective upland property owners.   After much discussion, Kisela and Haber agreed to work together and come up with a proposed course of action.   He agreed that when the future subdivision behind the homes on Hickory View Circle and River’s Reach Boulevard begins sitework, these property owners will want a landscape buffer for privacy and noise mitigation.

Engineer Report:

  • Kisela provided an update on the County’s examination of the sinkhole on Hickory View Circle.  The County opined that it may be settling that was uncovered by the storms we experienced last fall. The gravity sanitary sewer was inspected and no leaks observed,  Leaks to the  reclaimed and potable water systems would migrate to the top.    Fortunately, they do not see any other damage.  The Board directed GMS to patch the hole.
  • Kisela stated he met with Charles Reed’s supervisor from Johnson Engineering.   He said the pavement on Westover near the intersection of Thornbury appears to be normal wear and tear.

Field Manager Report (Sheppard):

  • Street signs around the neighborhood have been straightened and the ones needing replacement have been ordered.
  • The new amenity center ceiling fans have been installed.  Kisela volunteered to purchase extended chains so the fans can be turned on/off from the ground.
  • New mulch for the playground will be installed this week, in accordance with playground safety regulations.
  • The volleyball court has been dismantled and the pvc pipes and netting removed.   The Board approved a proposal to level the ground in that area.  The Board also approved planting sod over the sandy area.
  • Kisela requested the Board create a budget line item and regular schedule for pressure washing, so we are not waiting until it is very dirty to get it cleaned.   GMS will do pressure washing of the entrance monuments, gates, guardhouse, and fencing along River’s Reach Boulevard on a quarterly basis.    The Board also approved a proposal to pressure wash all the sidewalks along with the pillars and fence on River’s Reach Blvd.
  • Sheppard noted one of the pilings on the pedestrian bridge has eroded and needs to be replaced.   
  • The streetlight project has been completed, and the streetlights along River’s Reach Boulevard and the amenity center are now working properly.
  • Sluizer noted a couple of the landscape lights by the entrance (right-hand side) are not working.   She said either something is wrong with the wiring or the bulbs just need to be replaced.    One of the landscape lights by the exit gate (left-hand side) is flashing.   Sheppard and Sluizer will meet onsite so he can determine the problem.
  • The computer for the access control system in the gym area was tabled until February.
  • The pedestrian gates and locks have been repaired.

District Manager Report (Greenwood):

  • Burbank volunteered to create a proposal for the Alternative Investment Guidelines.  He will present this for consideration at the March meeting.

The meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.

Water’s Edge Community Development District Disclosure

Please be advised that the Water’s Edge Community Development District (the “District”), a local unit of special purpose government created under Florida law, has constructed and is responsible for the maintenance of certain improvements, infrastructure and facilities within the District.  The District financed this construction through the sale of tax-exempt bonds, a form of public financing.  As a result, and in accordance with applicable federal and state law, all District owned improvements, infrastructure and facilities are and shall remain open and accessible to the general public.  Should you have any questions on this matter, non-resident user fees applicable to District recreational facilities, or any other general District issue, please feel free to contact the District Manager.